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Hi Gopi Events - Decor,
Gopi Events is a wedding decor company based in Moula Ali, Hyderabad providing wedding designing, decor and floral arrangement services for wedding and other events. Founded by Tanush,Gopi Events have been creating various themes and designing decor for weddings since 1990. The team has expansive knowledge in the field of decoration and designing. They will ensure that your event is a grand success.
Having started the company in 1990, they have been decorating weddings for over 10 years now and have made a name for themselves in the wedding industry due to their talent and professionalism. They are known for All types of decoration like haldi, mehndi.
They provide a customized decor package for weddings, engagement, reception and other functions and provide services including:Flowers, Audio Visuals, Decorative Draping, Event concept & Design, Lighting, Sounds, Mandap, Fireworks,Tents. Gopi Events also provides home decor services as well as decor for smaller functions.
The team is adept at managing wedding decor outside of Hyderabad as well and has created many memorable events for destination weddings in Thailand and more.//
5 months
Service Type
Stage Decor
Experience Zones
Destination Weddings
Year of operations