Foods To Eat & Foods To Avoid During Your Wedding Week! *Bye Bye Bloating!

By Sakshi | 26 Nov, 2018

3391 views | 3 min read

Bloating is real, and happens to all of us! Some days less, some days more and some days nothing at all! Your wedding is a time which is busy and hectic, and that can lead to bloating and feeling stuffy- which is the last thing you want! So let your wedding be one of those days when bloating is at its bare minimum, and while we can't promise you anything, you definitely can keep it at bay by avoiding or eating some of these foods! Yep, your lehenga will fit like the dream that it was supposed to be!

Image via Design Aqua★ 3.4

Beer & Carbonated Drinks

This one is like a no-brainer! A very very common cause of bloating, these are high on carbon dioxide, which ends up with a lot of it in your tummy, causing it to bloat.

What to eat instead: Water is always best! And if it really comes down to a beverage, pick coffee or tea over carbonated drinks and beer.

Dairy Products

Yes, milk is very good for you, but not on your wedding day! Milk could be heavy for the tummy, especially if you are even slightly lactose intolerant, and this could lead to being bloated and gassy!

What to eat instead: Curd is a good option instead of a glass of milk- opt for lassi or buttermilk instead.. they help in soothing the tummy.

Beans: Rajma, Chana & Black-eyed 

These are very healthy and rich in fibre, but are not as easy on the tummy as you'd think! Most beans contain sugars called alpha-galactosides, which belong to a group of carbs called FODMAPs, which escape digestion, but are then fermented by gut bacteria in the colon. Gas is a byproduct of this process, so you can do the math!

What to eat instead: Avoiding them is a good idea, otherwise you can replace it with quinoa. 

Wheat- Roti, Parantha, Naan, Bread or Pizza

Gluten is another thing that's heavy on our digestive system, and wheat is full of it! Whether it's something made out of maida or aata, it still has gluten in it. That's something that can again lead to bloating, and it is best avoid before you put on your lehenga for a perfectly non-bloated tummy!

What to eat instead: Oats are a good idea, and quinoa is good too!

Onions & Garlic

Both are very popular and more or less in almost every dish we eat- but avoiding them on your big day can not only help your tummy but save you from bad breath too :P

What to eat instead: Try other herbs instead- lots of fresh herbs especially coriander is good for the tummy!

Broccoli, Cauliflower

They belong to the cruciferous vegetable family, which makes them a little hard to digest, especially when eaten raw. So make sure you avoid them, or if not, cook them before consuming on your big day!

What to eat instead: Spinach, cucumber, lettuce, sweet potatoes, zucchini- all these are better alternatives!

Image via @_srishtijain 
Here are some simple tips to beat the bloat apart from staying away from the above-mentioned foods!
  • Instead of eating big meals in the day, spread it out to multiple small meals and snacks if possible. 
  • Eat slowly. Chew your food properly so that you swallow minimum amount of air.
  • Do not chew gum. Carry mints to freshen your breath instead. 
  • Do not drink with a straw- it makes you swallow air. 
  • Keep some anti-gas meds handy. In case you do feel bloated, this will come in use!


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